Thursday, February 21, 2019

Properly Prepare The Fireplace And Stove For The Heating Season

Hot summers are likely to become the norm in Germany in the near future due to climate change. Despite expected record values, you should think about heating with the fireplace already in summer or at the latest in early autumn. Because it will definitely be cold again.


Already in September, the temperatures at night can already scratch on the border to the frost - and sometimes even exceed it. Even if the values on the thermometer can climb again in the vicinity of 30 degrees during the day, the number of hours of sunshine per day decreases rapidly, it gets dark earlier and the heating demand starts sooner or later. Nice, if you have a cozy fireplace or stove that you can cheer on. But it's not that easy.
A wood-burning fireplace or stove requires regular cleaning, maintenance and care, so everything works smoothly and above all without danger. The break in the summer you can actually use perfect for such a cleaning - but who wants to think on a hot July day on cold winter evenings and clean the fireplace? Nevertheless, it is high time to make the fireplace suitable for winter.


The first view should go inside the stove or the fireplace. Occasionally existing stove pipes must be checked every now and then for contamination. This is mainly due to soot, which can be deposited on the furnace tubes when burning wood. In the long term, the proper functioning of a stove or fireplace will be affected by sooty fume hoods. This not only applies to the chimney, which is regularly cleaned by the chimney sweep, but also to the pipes leading to the stove. This is not just a comfort issue, but can bring real dangers, because soot deposits minimize the effect of the chimney draft, which means that the exhaust gases can not pull off so well.
In extreme cases, they can collect in the interior and not only smoke everything, but ultimately lead to poisoning by flue gases or carbon monoxide. Not least, there is an increased risk of fire, because what many do not know: soot can under certain circumstances ignite itself, if the fireplace is still operated carefree. The thicker the soot layer becomes, the greater the danger. Soot is not the only thing that can affect a chimney. Even if the last cleaning by the chimney sweep is not long ago and theoretically no new soot may have been added due to the heat break in the summer, there are other factors that need to be checked. Damage or foreign objects in the chimney can thus prevent effective smoke extraction.
This is most often done by bird nests or their remnants. In extreme cases, they can even close a chimney completely, and the toxic combustion gases may then enter the living space. If everything looks fine, the throttle valve must finally be checked. Is their function still flawless? Is she open? Ultimately, it is important that the air supply to the fireplace works well.


The fireplace or stove itself should also be cleaned from the inside. This is useful in the months outside the heating season, because then everything is cooled down properly and you can get anywhere easily. Although you do not often see the interior of the stove, the careful cleaning should not be neglected, because even here residues of soot can make unattractive. In addition, one can perform on this occasion, a comprehensive visual inspection of the firebricks in the combustion chamber.
These are designed to effectively shield the heat from the rest of the structure. Missing stones or chipped off parts of the mineral plates should be the reason for the replacement of the damaged firebricks. However, cracks that are relatively common are not considered damage in the sense of the word. Even if the stove is sold as maintenance-free and has a long service life even under the strongest load, fireclay counts as wearing parts. If you do not change them in case of damage, the oven housing may heat up more than it should.
Warped stoves are an indication of damaged linings in the combustion chamber - so you should not let it come to such a defect. But as long as the cladding is not damaged as a whole and no parts are missing, the function of the fireclay cladding inside the fireplace is usually not affected by the cracks. You can get spare parts or other accessories in specialist shops, such as in the online shop at


In spite of the possible freedom from maintenance, it is of course always necessary to subject the oven to cleaning. The more thorough the cleaning before the beginning of the heating season, the longer you have your peace. All wearing parts should be visually inspected and, if necessary, maintained. Often forgotten here is the seal of the stove door or the collection box for the ashes. If the seals (especially on the fireplace door) are broken, the stove draws more oxygen than it should. This has an unfavorable effect on the exhaust behavior of the entire furnace system. In addition, as a result of defective seals, more ash can enter the living space. Such a seal you get in the accessories, but the installation should be done professionally.
However, you can lend a hand in the maintenance of the stove door, as far as the hinges. To keep things smooth, lubricate them with a suitable oil or copper paste. But please make sure that the oil does not get into the combustion chamber. The cleaning of the firebox can be done with a commercial glass cleaner and a cloth. Please note that some cleaners may damage the delicate door seals. Therefore, it is advisable not to spray the cleaner directly on the disc, but on the cloth. In general, do not use too much cleaner to prevent cleaning fluid from leaking into the seals.
Wer auf Nummer sicher gehen möchte, kann auch einen speziell auf diese Materialien abgestimmten Ofenreiniger verwenden. Die Außenseiten der Kaminöfen lassen sich ebenfalls reinigen und pflegen. Öfen aus Stahl bekommt man mit einem feuchten Tuch gut sauber. Aggressive Reiniger (und dazu zählen auch Hausmittel mit Essig oder Zitrone) können den Stahl jedoch angreifen und für Rost sorgen. Fliesen und Kacheln eines Kaminofens können ganz normal mit entsprechendem Reinigungsmittel geputzt werden. Rückstände sollten aber so gut wie möglich mit ausreichend Wasser entfernt werden, damit keine schädlichen Dämpfe durch das Aufheizen in die Umgebungsluft abgegeben werden.
Damage to the paintwork may only be repaired with heat-resistant special lacquers intended for use with stoves. Unless otherwise noticeable damage that require further repairs and everything else is in order, the stove can then be easily put into operation.


Of course, the right fuel is particularly important when operating a fireplace or stove. Here you should not wait until the beginning of the heating season, because who in time (ie especially in the summer) is covered with sufficient fuel, usually pays much less for it. Depending on whether you want to burn classic firewood or pellets, you have the choice of various offers. In particular, pellet prices are heavily dependent on the respective heating season and the associated demand. It does not matter if you hit the firewood yourself or have it delivered to you: It has to be stored correctly and has the right residual moisture.
The best is a residual moisture in the wood between 15 and 20 percent. If the wood is still too moist, the combustion is not in the optimal range and produces black smoke, which can be deposited as a particularly stubborn soot in the chimney. Conversely, firewood can also be too dry or too old. Then the calorific value drops considerably and one does not get as far with the same amount of wood as with an ideal moisture content.
If you have your own wood store, you should always fire the oldest wood first, so that the logs are not superimposed. In addition, newly added wood must get the time to dry properly. When stacking so should already be thought of in which order you want to remove the firewood later.


Especially in spring and autumn - the so-called transition period - heating with the fireplace or stove is particularly popular. In addition, it is also a way to reduce heating costs. While the main load should normally be provided by central heating in winter, the stove ideally complements the heating during times when the operation of the complete heating system is not yet worthwhile. Especially on days when it is still warm during the day and it cools down strongly in the evening, it hardly pays to heat the oil heating or gas heating. If you have a sluggish floor heating, it is often too warm during the day or too cool during the day.
On the other hand, the woodburning stove can be easily added if required and also provides an incomparable comfort. The heating costs are also reduced - a factor that should not be ignored. In addition, one is with good stocking with firewood independent when purchasing gas or fuel oil, because here are the prices also according to the demand. If you can then bridge or supplement with firewood, you have another trump in your sleeve. Last but not least, the burning of wood is often a sensible alternative from an ecological point of view. Especially with regard to CO2 reduction, wood has great advantages over fossil fuels.
In contrast, however, is the increased burden of particulate matter and soot, which can lead to a deterioration of the air quality in the environment, especially in the corresponding inversion weather conditions. The neighbors should therefore not completely forgotten when heating with wood.
The most important measures at a glance:
             Inspecting combustion chamber, stovepipe and chimney
             if necessary, cleaning of all components
             Exchange of damaged firebricks
             Check seals for damage
             Store fuel in good time and store it properly


A fireplace or stove is practical, comfortable and can help save heating costs, especially during the transition period. Important is a proper maintenance and care, which should be done before commissioning in the fall. The inspection of chimney, stove pipes, firebricks and gaskets should be as natural as a thorough cleaning. The stocking with firewood should be done on time and in sufficient quantity (observe proper storage!).

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