Monday, October 28, 2019

MDF kitchens, how environmentally friendly and safe are they compared to solid wood kitchens?

The furniture market, especially the kitchen furniture market, is more and more oversaturated with the offer every year, and the buyer is more picky. Now the buyer is not enough just beautiful and high-quality furniture, more and more attention is paid to the environmental friendliness of the materials from which the furniture is made. According to the prevailing opinion, the standard of environmental friendliness is furniture made from natural wood, and modern materials, the same MDF, are inferior to the array. Is it really? No not like this! Let's understand in detail and in order.

What is MDF?
What is MDF and how environmentally friendly is it? Wikipedia gives us the following definition:
A revesnovoloknistaya Medium Density Fiberboard (English Medium Density Fibreboard, MDF; sometimes used transliteration: MDF.) - slab material manufactured by dry pressing small wood chips under high pressure and temperature. The melamine modified urea resins are used as a binder. This provides a very low formaldehyde emission comparable to that of natural wood (formaldehyde emission class is E1).
The density of the material is from 600 kg / m³ to 800 kg / m³.
The main indicator of environmental friendliness of the material is the low emission of formaldehyde into the air, or its absence. In accordance with Russian GOST, there are two classes of formaldehyde emissions - E1 and E2. MDF belongs to the class E1. This is a class that is officially recognized as safe for the production of furniture, including children's. You will say, “these are just numbers and recommendations with which you want to reassure us. And you compare the indicators of the emission of formaldehyde MDF with the indicators of the “standard of environmental friendliness” - a natural solid wood. Does the tree have any formaldehyde at all? ”Willingly! Let's compare. Few people know that natural wood also emits formaldehyde. Here are the official numbers. Solid oak (the main breed for the production of furniture facades), in the process of drying emits formaldehyde 0.75 mg / m3. And already dry, when heated to 400 ° C, it gives off 0, 5 mg / m3, which classifies it as E2! That is, a clean oak massif emits formaldehydes more than MDF and officially refers to a lower safety class. As you can see, MDF even surpassed the massif of wood in environmental friendliness.

Kitchens made of MDF and solid wood from Kitchengood.
We (the specialists of Good Kitchengood Kitchens) began to understand the issue, and for the first time finding these figures, we ourselves were surprised and several times, turning to different sources, checked them. And having checked everything we could not write this article.
We invite you to visit our store where you can choose the kitchen to your taste, because we also have kitchens made of MDF and kitchens made of solid wood.